
Admin Permissions:

  1. /config - Configuration of Pulses Plugins.

  2. /permissions config - Configure command bypass permissions.

  3. /preset manage - Manage moderation reason presets.

  4. /customize points - Customize the points for the guild.

  5. /prefix - Change the prefix of the guild.

  6. /role all - Roles all the members with the given role.

Staff Permissions:

  1. /warn - Warn a user within the guild.

  2. /timeout - Timeout a user within the guild.

  3. /untimeout - Untimeout a user.

  4. /kick - Kick a user from the guild.

  5. /softban - Softban the user by banning and unbanning them. (Deleting their messages)

  6. /ban - Bans a user.

  7. /unban - To unban a user.

  8. /purge - Purge a specific amount of messages in the channel.

  9. /reason - Change a moderations reason.

  10. /modlogs / clear / transfer - Search modlogs of a user.

  11. /modstats /modstats leaderboard - View your moderation stats or someone else's / The leaderboard.

  12. /slowmode - Add a slowmode to a channel.

  13. /case - View, edit and/or delete a case.

  14. /reason - Change the reason of a punishment.

  15. /void - Void a punishment with its case id

  16. /role (add/remove) - Add or Remove a members roles.

  17. /suggest manage - Manage suggestions.

  18. /points reset - To reset a users points.

  19. /points remove - To remove points from a user.

  20. /points add - To add points to a user.

  21. /create role - Fast for creating roles.

No Permissions:

  1. /help - Gather some helpful information.

  2. /info - View bot information.

  3. /ping - Show the bots, and database latencies.

  4. /whois - Views some user information.

  5. /serverinfo - View the guilds information.

  6. /suggest - Make a suggestion in the guild. (Only if configured.)

  7. /remind - Make a reminder.

  8. /avatar - Show your avatar or someone else's.

  9. /membercount - Shows the membercount of the guild.

  10. /roles - View the guilds roles.

  11. /mywarnings - View all of your punishments.

  12. /afk - Set yourself AFK.

Last updated